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Serene Physique, Massage Therapy Inc.

Arlene Wilkinson RMT, MMQ
RMT, MMQ (China)·Serene Physique, Massage Therapy Inc.·
Arlene has over thirty years clinical experience as a Massage Therapist
and in Eastern Wellness Therapy. Arlene is a graduate of Sutherland Chan
School & Teaching Clinic and has extensive administrative experience with
the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, with the Ontario Massage
Therapist Association, and with various educational institutions providing
massage therapy programs.
Arlene is thrilled to be part of the Serene Physique team, after moving to
Saint John in 2020 and transferring her RMT license to New Brunswick.
She will be offering Massage Therapy with an Eastern twist at Serene
starting May 2021! Choose from Aroma Spa Therapy, Acupressure
Therapy, Eastern Wellness Therapy, or Medical Qigong Therapy.
Arlene is passionate about her life’s work. She loves to integrate Eastern &
Western theory and modalities to find the right balance to meet your
wellness goals. Let Arlene’s many years of study and clinical practice assist
you in achieving your optimal self: Body – Mind – Spirit. Be well.
ingredients, this exquisite facial treatment focuses on the delicate eye
areas that are most vulnerable to stress and the environment. Specialized facial massage techniques smooth fine lines, reduce dark circles and help relax mind and body.
the gentle effect of cranio-sacral therapy completes this treatment.
massage and acu-point release for sinus and eyes makes this a revitalizing treatment for allergies and facial congestion.

This natural face-lift is a great treatment for men and women to connect to their inner and outer beauty. Warning: you may find yourself looking ten years younger!
points on your hands and feet, to treat energetic imbalances while allowing you to deeply relax. This treatment includes an acu-point release including hand & foot massage.
utilizes breath, visualization and energy work to clear congested areas of the body, move Qi and replenish energy reserves. Excellent for combating stress, preventing disease, and promoting health, fitness and relaxation. Medical Qigong is also an excellent lens to look at the root of disease when dealing with chronic and auto-immune conditions. Qigong is the art of cultivating energy for health and vitality.
the gentle effect of cranio-sacral therapy completes this treatment.
ingredients, this exquisite facial treatment focuses on the delicate eye
areas that are most vulnerable to stress and the environment. Specialized facial massage techniques smooth fine lines, reduce dark circles and help relax mind and body.